Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to stash some money away for the future? You can! Forget the panini maker, espresso machine and fancy dishes. Think stocks.

Simply open an account at WeddingFutures.com and select your stocks. Your guests can choose from your list of stocks and pay via Paypal or credit card.

“Gifts from WeddingFutures.com are securely purchased and transferred online, and can actually increase in value over time, so today’s gift will always fit every couples’ needs now and into the future,” says Keaton Nguyen, founder of WeddingFutures.com.

WeddingFutures.com provides the registry and collects the funds. (They charge 5% commission.) The funds are transferred to your brokerage  account to be purchased by your brokerage firm. You can use any bank or brokerage firm. When your wedding day finally arrives, the gifts are transferred to your account.

“Couples can register for gifts that feather their financial nest and set the foundation for a solid financial future, “ says Nguyen. “Gift givers can be confident that their WeddingFutures.com gift – unlike a pricey coffee-maker, which will break or become obsolete — will always be needed, wanted and put to good use.”

Check out WeddingFutures.com for more info.