I woke up this morning feeling very agitated. I had a bad dream. A dream that I was getting married – tomorrow, and I had nothing done. I left the planning of the entire wedding to a Facebook friend. A Facebook friend that I haven’t seen in almost 20 years. I thought she’d be responsible, but she hadn’t done a thing. I had no music. No favors. No dress. No venue.

“Just hold off until next month,” was her response when I asked her why nothing had been done.

That didn’t cut it. I didn’t want to agonize over it anymore. I wanted to “get ‘er done.” That’s when I woke up, thanking the Divine Author of the Universe that it was just a dream.

Fast forward a few hours later. I’m sitting here scrolling through some of my favorite DIY wedding projects and I’m thinking: “Damn these would be fun to make. Damn I wish I was planning a wedding!” Well, almost.


But, really, there’s so much good stuff to be had out there.

Here is one of my recent faves:

 These no-sew fabric fortune cookies from Brassy Apple (via decor8) are perfect for people like me who do not sew! I’m thinking these would be perfect if you are giving away favor donations. Write the name of the charity on your message, along with an inspirational quote for your guests.

You could also use these to send “Will You Be My Bridesmaid?” notes. Learn how to make them here.

Martha Stewart also has a felt version of these. You can view the tutorial over here.
